Thursday, September 25, 2008

Conny Larsson - Psychic Healer

Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
Anti-Sai Activist turns Psychic Healer and Psychic Medium! God alone knows who Conny Larsson is trying to con with his alleged "psychic healings".

In the pictures below, Conny Larsson is the man in blue. This is the guy who is trying to make a sober, rational and logical argument against Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and who often rants condescendingly about frauds, cheats, deceivers, etc.

Not only did Conny Larsson appear to give a woman an intimate (and borderline inappropriate) psychic healing, he apparently gives tantric psychic-healings, initiates others with mantras, sings bhajans, conducts expensive meditation seminars and holds the status of a "Great Meditation Teacher" among his 10,000 cult-like followers in Poland and Cyprus (Reference).

Update: In an attempt to do damage control, the following pictures were removed from the website at Conny Larsson's request (click on thumbnails to enlarge):

Conny Larsson Conducting A Funny, Full-Body Psychic Healing On A Woman. Would you allow your wife, daughter, husband or son (Conny has openly claimed he is bi-sexual) to be held like this by a psychic healer?

Conny Larsson Conducting A Psychic Healing On A Woman In A Chair

Conny Larsson Conducting A Funny Psychic Healing By Holding A Womans Feet (notice the modified tantric position and alignment of sexual organs?)

A Swedish article talking about Conny Larsson's "private" healing sessions where he uses crystal pendulums to diagnose ills and detect blockages in the aura.

A Swedish article talking about Conny Larsson being a "trance-medium" and that he uses a crystal pendulum to determine which chakra is blocked. If your chakras are blocked, Conny will unblock a price. In this instance, 600 Swedish Krona or US $87.

In my opinion, these pictures prove that Conny Larsson is suffering from some sort of Guru-complex and thinks he has the authority to instruct and initiate others with mantras, bhajans, meditation techniques and psychic healings! Another high-profile Anti-Sai Activist exposed. It is ironic that Conny Larsson referred to himself as a "clown" in the past. Conny's first book was called "God's Little Clown". His second book was called "Behind The Clown's Mask". After looking at the pictures above, I think the clown epithet is entirely appropriate.

The blunt truth of the matter is that Conny Larsson is a physically unattractive person and it appears he is attempting to get the attention (sexual and otherwise) he craves through selling himself as a Guru, Teacher, Psychic Healer, Mantra Bestower, Vedic Master, etc. I wonder how many Anti-Sai Activists are following Conny Larsson into Gurudom? I already know that Barry Pittard gave women "kundalini healings" (which, more than likely, resulted in his out-of-wedlock son being born to a 21 year-old when he was 58 and old enough to be her grandfather).


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- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
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- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students