Conny Larsson: The Anti-Sai-Baba Clown
Blog Index Of Articles So Far:
Regarding Conny Larsson's Psychic Claims
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Devotees / Students
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Psychic Conny Larsson Endorsed By Atheist
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson - Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Psychic Healer
Conny Larsson And Gurus
- Conny Larsson And Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
- Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
Conny Larsson's Defamations And Libels
- Conny Larsson - Libel Against Moreno
- Conny Larsson - False IP Attribution
- Conny Larsson - Shabby Research & False Claim
- Fraudulent Screencap Published By Conny Larsson
Miscellaneous Articles About Conny Larsson
- Conny Larsson Dyes His Hair
- Conny Larsson - God's Little Clown
- Conny Larsson's Alleged Childhood Abuse
- Commentary On Conny Larsson Revived
- Conny Larsson 1998 Talk In Houston Texas
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Conny Larsson's 10,000 Devotees / Students

Conny Larsson Claims He Has 10,000 Devotees / Students
In an article entitled “Medium Draws Full House” (which was published on the Swedish NSD website) the following claims were made:
- Conny Larsson personally claimed he is a psychic trance medium.
- Conny Larsson went into a trance and channeled the dead dog of a woman in the audience.
- Conny Larsson went into a trance and channeled the dead father of a woman in the audience.
- Conny Larsson claimed that body piercings affect acupuncture and meridian points and are harmful on the “cellular level”.
- Conny Larsson claimed he has 10,000 devotees / students in Sweden and around the world.
- Conny Larsson attracted “large numbers” of women (judging from the picture in the article, 99% were women).
- Many people remember Conny Larsson as the clown “Beppo”.
- Conny Larsson claimed that “Words have power. Together we can bring peace and love.”
- Conny Larsson warned his audience about “charlatans” who charge money for their services. Nevertheless, participants paid 100 kronor (US $14) as an entry fee (the article claimed over a hundred women were present, meaning that Conny Larsson grossed US $1,400+ just on admission fees). The weekend meditation fee is 400 kronor (US $58) and individual psychic healing sessions are 500 kronor (US $72). The article also claimed that over 400 people were learning meditation from Conny Larsson (meaning that he grossed US $23,200+ on his meditation classes alone).
- Conny Larsson also sold books and CDs about himself at the lecture (notice the money-making trend?).
Relevant Text Extract In Swedish:
Medium drog fullt hus
Gällivare. GÄLLIVARE/MALMBERGET. Författaren och meditationsledaren Conny Lars-son samlar stora skaror av kvinnor omkring sig när han håller sina föredrag och seanser i Gällivare. Omkring 400 personer i kommunen har gått i lära hos honom. Nu lugnar han upprörda sinnelag i Malmberget.- Det finns ett skyddande väsen i Kaptensgropen, säger han.
Riksskände Conny Larsson är
i stan och som vanligt samlar han stora skaror av kvinnor omkring sig. Vid träffen i Folkets hus bänkar sig ett hundratal kvinnor för att lyssna till hans seansföredrag.
- Halva jorden består av män, men var är de? Var sitter blockeringarna mot att utveckla sig?
Conny Larsson trollbinder åhörarna nästan genast, men då har han också ett förflutet som skådespelare. Många äldre åhörare minns honom som clownen Beppo. Sedan dess har mycket hänt. Han är en efterfrågad meditationslärare även på det internationella planet. Han uppger att han har 10 000 elever i Sverige och runt om i världen. Han bor på Cypern och kommer närmast från Polen där han undervisat vid landets största yogacentrum.
- Fokuserar vi vårt sinne på något kan man åstadkomma nästan vad som helst. Ord har kraft. Tillsammans kan vi skapa fred och kärlek, säger han.
“Rensar auran”
Han är författare och föreläsare. Nytt i hans liv är att han, sedan han lämnat Sai Baba-rörelsen, öppnat sig för det övernaturliga. Under kvällens föredrag handlar det om aura, transhealing och kontakt med andra sidan.
- Det här är en opolitisk, oreligiös och oorganiserad rörelse. Nu översvämmas ni i Gällivare av folk som saluterar ut att de är mediala och tar enorma kursavgifter. Jag vill varna er för att köpa grisen i säcken. Hur känner man igen charlatanerna? De tar svindlande summor. Jag tar aldrig betalt. Det lärde jag mig i TM-rörelsen. Lärarna fick inte betalt, bara tak över huvudet och pengar till resan, säger han.
Deltagarna har betalat 100 kronor i inträdesavgift till seansföredraget. Helgens meditationskurs kostar 400 kronor. Conny Larsson säger att detta gör han inte för att tjäna pengar, han vill tjäna medmänniskan. Han är ekonomiskt oberoende. I många år drev han behandlingshem för unga missbrukare och kriminella. Han använde meditation i behandlingen och resultaten var goda. Han är författare till boken "Bakom clownens mask" och en ny bok är på gång. Den här gången ska det handla om Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Beatles guru och grundaren av TM-rörelsen som han följde på nära håll i tio år.
Vid kvällens föredrag finns böcker och cd-skivor att köpa. Möjligheter finns även till enskilda behandlingar till en kostnad av 500 kronor.
Varnar för piercing
Nu demonstrerar Conny Larsson hur en "aurarensning" går till. Med hjälp av en pendlande kristall ska auran renas och helas. En äldre dam sitter på heta stolen. Efter behandlingen, som även innehåller massage av axlar samt handgrepp som liknar kiropraktik, uppger kvinnan att hon är mycket nöjd.
Conny Larsson varnar för piercing bland barn och unga.
- Om barnen piercar sig bär ni ansvaret. Ni är skyldiga att se till att barnet inte har genomborrat sina akupunktur och meridiansystem, det är direkt skadligt på cellulär nivå, säger han.
Under andra delen av föredraget försätter han sig i trance för att få kontakt med "andra sidan." En kvinna möter sin döda hund som ännu står och skäller vid stugan. Det blir tårfyllt och känslosamt.
Ett budskap går till Gun Isaxon, kommunisternas partiordförande i Sverige och kommunfullmäktigeledamot i Gällivare. Hon får en astral varning från sin döde far om att vara rädd om sin hälsa och avstå från något uppdrag.
- Ett svårt val. Om jag ska gå den andliga eller politiska vägen, säger hon.
“Skyddande väsen”
Conny Larsson talar om Gropen och framtidsutsikterna i Gällivare/Malmberget.
- Titta på LKABs veckoblad. Ser ni mästaren som står i gropen? Han står mitt i Kaptensgropen och är ett skyddande väsen. Någonting har lagt in ett budskap där. Där ser ni hur skyddade ni är. En lysande period väntar Gällivare. Ingen undergång. All turism kommer hit, här finns snö. Allt är på väg rakt upp, säger han.

As one can see, Conny Larsson is a money-making Psychic Trance Medium Machine.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
(Klicka Här För Svenska)
Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
Conny Larsson is now being solicited as an internationally reknown psychic trance medium and psychic trance healer (click on thumbnail to enlarge)!

Relevant Text Extracts In Swedish:
References: HTML Cache - Original PDF File
In this 2007 article (located on Du Människa, a website promoting psychics, mediums and channelers), it specifically claimed that Conny Larsson:
It is indeed pecular that Conny Larsson (a systemtic basher of gurus and cults) has now set himself up as an internationally renown psychic who teaches meditation classes based on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's TM technique. For those who do not know, Conny Larsson is a former follower of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and is a current disciple of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi's guru).
Conny Larsson also claims that he has a spirit guide who assists him in his "trance" healing sessions. That's right, Conny Larsson claims to see dead people, hear dead people's voices in his head, see spirits, enter trances, perform seances and allows the immortal rishi Vyasa to speak through him. Conny Larsson also charges 500-600 Swedish Krona for his psychic services (equivalent to US $73 - US $90).
This is the same guy who loves to trash and bash others for being true-believers in gurus, sects and cults. Apparently, Conny Larsson thinks it is OKAY for others to believe he is a world-renown psychic (although he has failed and refuses to demonstrate his alleged psychic skills to the scientific community) but believes it is WRONG to believe in gurus.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
Conny Larsson is now being solicited as an internationally reknown psychic trance medium and psychic trance healer (click on thumbnail to enlarge)!

Relevant Text Extracts In Swedish:
med det internationella transmediet CONNY LARSSON.
1 februari 19.00
Conny kommer till Umeå för att leda oss till en egen erfarenhet av gränslandet mellan liv -(död)- liv. Du som är intresserad infinner dig i god tid.
Genom övningar kommer du efter föredraget, att själv få lära dig vandra genom de 5 aurakropparna och delges verktygen, hur du skall kunna göra detta på daglig basis. Conny kommer också att demonstrera hur vi med kristallpendel kan uppmäta de olika spänningar som finns i den enskildes aurasystem.
Han förklarar för oss, hur vi kan lösa upp de blockeringar som står i vägen för vårt eget upplevande av den kosmiska verkligheten. Det tidigare ”övernaturliga ” kommer bli en naturlighet för oss alla, enkelt att erfara.
Transhealing kommer att förevisas på utvalda personer i publiken.
Han pratar också om meditation som är en ovärderlig tillgång för läkning av kropp och själ, för att öka livsenergin och skapa ett ökat välbefinnande.
Lokal: Mimerskolan, Kungsg 75
Pris: Medlemmar 60:- övriga 100:-
Information: Maritha 090-49326
med det internationella transmediet
1-6 februari
Conny kommer också ha privata sittningar för dig som så önskar. För detta krävs tidsbeställning i förtid.
Han har tillsammans med sin guide utarbetat en behandlingsmetod som går ut på att de diagnostiserar de verkliga orsakerna till problemen i en människas liv. Han använder sig av den kraftiga kristallpendeln som förstärkare under själva diagnostiserandet och gör en tydlig genomgång av varje chackra för att se var blockeringen/arna sitter och därefter inleds själva behandlingen genom transhealing där hans guide vägleder.
Lokal: Kungsg 42, källarvåningen
Pris: 600 kr
Information och anmälan: Maritha 090-49326
med det internationella transmediet
3-4 februari
Tider meddelas senare
Conny håller som vanligt en workshop/kurs med meditationsundervisning, där han lär oss mer om meditationens läkande kraft. Denna gång ingår även fler delar med pendel och auradiagnostik.
Under helgen har han Steg 1 till Steg 9. Kursen ger oss fördjupad kunskap om meditationens möjligheter att ge tillgång till vår fulla kapacitet. Meditationsgrupperna kommer att delas in i två eller tre delar. Steg 1-3 och 4-6 samt 7-9. Blir det för få i grupperna, gör vi två grupper, då 1-4 och 5-9.
Steg 1-3: Conny lär ut en enkel meditationsteknik som han varvar med föredrag om andlighet och pendel och auradiagnostik. För de som gått steg 1 eller har erfarenhet av minst ½- års meditation enl. TM- metoden sedan tidigare lär han under helgen ut en fortsättning på meditationsmetoden.
Steg 4-9: Ytterligare fördjupningar av kunskapen för de som gått tidigare steg. Conny lär oss bl.a. ett meditationsstödjande yoga program.
Vilken nivå man väljer beror på vilka tidigare steg man gått eller hur pass stor meditationsvana man har sedan tidigare av andra metoder. är man osäker kan indelning i grupper ske efter första kvällens introduktion med Conny.
Conny Larsson är skicklig på att förmedla sitt kunnande och sina erfarenheter, vilket han visat i flera radio och TVframträdande. Under dagarna får du tillfälle att uppleva hans visdom, hans humor men framför allt hans kärleksfulla värme och omtanke om alla. Conny är inspiratör av stora mått och han vågar gå nya vägar samt har full tillit till den inre rösten. Han ingår numera i Humanity team som Neal Donald Walsh har startat i varje land, och där Conny ingår i den svenska styrelsen.
Lokal: Lokal meddelas senare
Pris: 500 kr oavsett nivå
Information och anmälan: Maritha 090-49326
References: HTML Cache - Original PDF File
In this 2007 article (located on Du Människa, a website promoting psychics, mediums and channelers), it specifically claimed that Conny Larsson:
- Conducts trance healing "seances".
- Can contact the dead.
- Teaches others how to use crystal pendulums.
- Teaches others how to "diagnose" blockages in auras.
- Will demonstrate his trance healings on "selected individuals" in public.
- Claims we all possess a "cosmic reality".
- Teaches a nine-step meditation program in which students must pass lower steps in order to advance to higher steps using the TM (Transcendental Meditation) technique.
- Is on the Swedish board for Neal Donald Walsh's "Humanity Team".
- Conducts private trance healing sessions, in which a Spirit Guide helps him to diagnose the real problems with his clients.
- Analyzes chakras for blockages.
It is indeed pecular that Conny Larsson (a systemtic basher of gurus and cults) has now set himself up as an internationally renown psychic who teaches meditation classes based on Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's TM technique. For those who do not know, Conny Larsson is a former follower of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and is a current disciple of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Maharishi's guru).
Conny Larsson also claims that he has a spirit guide who assists him in his "trance" healing sessions. That's right, Conny Larsson claims to see dead people, hear dead people's voices in his head, see spirits, enter trances, perform seances and allows the immortal rishi Vyasa to speak through him. Conny Larsson also charges 500-600 Swedish Krona for his psychic services (equivalent to US $73 - US $90).
This is the same guy who loves to trash and bash others for being true-believers in gurus, sects and cults. Apparently, Conny Larsson thinks it is OKAY for others to believe he is a world-renown psychic (although he has failed and refuses to demonstrate his alleged psychic skills to the scientific community) but believes it is WRONG to believe in gurus.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Psychic Conny Larsson Endorsed By Atheist
(Klicka Här För Svenska)
Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium

In an amusing twist of events, Basava Premanand (a fanatic rationalist, skeptic, atheist and decades-long Sai Baba critic) published a book for Conny Larsson entitled “Behind The Clown’s Mask”, which was highly critical of the Indian guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Ref).
Attempting to sling mud at Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Basava Premanand blindly published and widely solicited a book for Conny Larsson, a man who openly claims to be:
Since Basava Premanand blindly believes any and all material opposing Sathya Sai Baba, he apparently failed to conduct a remedial background search on Conny Larsson, a self-professed Psychic Medium. Needless to say, Basava Premanand believed in, endorsed, published and widely solicited Conny Larsson’s Anti-Sai-Baba book. Taking it a step further, Basava Premanand published material pertaining to Psychic Conny Larsson in his Indian Skeptic magazine and even sent copies of Conny Larsson’s book to various high-ranking Indian officials and his rationalist subscribers. Too funny! A skeptic and atheist vouching for the integrity, honesty and credibility of a self-professed psychic trance medium! It doesn’t get much nuttier than this, folks.
Of course, Basava Premanand’s nutty behavior is not surprising. Premanand is a malicious libeler who cares less for the truth and cares more for his agendas of smearing, slurring and defaming.
Basava Premanand Believes Psychics Are Con-Men, Liars And Frauds
Basava Premanand firmly believes (or so he says) that so-called healers, trance channelers, psychics, psychic healers, spirit mediums, mantra acharyas, crystal healers, etc. (all of which Conny Larsson claims to be), are con-men, liars and frauds deceiving others for fame and fortune (Ref). Therefore, Basava Premanand made the case for me that Conny Larsson is a con-man, liar and fraud deceiving others for fame and fortune. Thank you Mr. Basava Premanand.
As a matter of fact, Basava Premanand will offer Rs. 100,000/-Rs to any person who can demonstrate any type of psychic, supernatural or paranormal ability under his direct observation (Ref). Did Basava Premanand confirm Conny Larsson’s psychic powers? If not (he never claimed he did in his Indian Skeptic tabloid), then why did Basava Premanand deem Conny Larsson so credible, so honest and so convincing that he published a book for him? Does it have to do with the fact that Conny Larsson is a self-professed multi-millionaire (Ref)?
Needless to say, Basava Premanand’s association with Conny Larsson reflects badly on his so-called “rationalism”, “skepticism” and “atheism”. It appears that Basava Premanand is a pseudo-rationalist, pseudo-skeptic and pseudo-atheist who is willing to compromise his pseudo-scientific beliefs by publishing a book by a psychic trance medium who claims that the immortal rishi Vyasa speaks through him. If Premanand believes psychics are con-men, liars and frauds, then what makes Conny Larsson’s claims against Sathya Sai Baba any more credible than his claims of being a psychic trance channeler?
Basava Premanand is an Anti-Sai loon and clown who attempts to portray himself as a “rational” voice against superstition. Needless to say, even Ex-Devotees refuse to say one word about Conny Larsson’s psychic and cult-like claims. The truth is now out and there is no stopping it.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium

In an amusing twist of events, Basava Premanand (a fanatic rationalist, skeptic, atheist and decades-long Sai Baba critic) published a book for Conny Larsson entitled “Behind The Clown’s Mask”, which was highly critical of the Indian guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Ref).
Attempting to sling mud at Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Basava Premanand blindly published and widely solicited a book for Conny Larsson, a man who openly claims to be:
- A bisexual; meaning he engages in heterosexual and homosexual sex (which Conny Larsson publicly divulged on the internet and in various Swedish newspapers).
- An internationally renown psychic trance medium for the spirit of Vyasa (Refs: 01 - 02).
- An internationally renown psychic who can contact dead people, see dead people and hear dead people’s voices in his head (Refs: 01 - 02 - 03).
- An internationally renown psychic trance healer (Refs: 01 - 02 - 03).
- And pet psychic who can contact the spirits of deceased pets (Ref).
- A yoga instructor (an internet claim).
- A person who conducts (and charges for) private trance healing sessions in which a Spirit Guide helps him to diagnose problems with his clients (Ref).
- A meditation master (Ref).
- A person who teaches others (and charges for) a nine-step meditation program in which students advance from lower steps to higher ones using the TM (Transcendental Meditation) technique that he learned from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Ref).
- A Vedic mantra acharya (Refs: 01 - 02).
- A person who charges people money to diagnose their illnesses and diseases by using a crystal pendulum (Ref).
- A person who teaches people how to use crystal pendulums (Ref).
- A person who charges people money to unblock their chakras (Ref).
- A person who teaches people how to “diagnose” blockages in auras (Ref).
- A person who claims that body piercing affect acupuncture and meridian points and are harmful on the “cellular level” (Ref).
- A post-Sai Baba disciple of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (Ref).
- A person who claims to have 10,000 devotees / students (Ref).
- A person who conducts trance healing “seances” (Ref).
- A person who is on the Swedish board for Neal Donald Walsh’s “Humanity Team”. Neal Donald Walsh has written and published many books with his alleged and inspired “conversations with God” (Ref).
- A former professional actor in Sweden popularly remembered as the clown “Beppo” (wouldn’t those acting skills come in handy for a convincing portrayal of oneself as a psychic medium?).
- A psychotherapist (presenting himself as an authority figure who understands human emotions and thought-processes and thereby may influence and manipulate others into believing his psychic claims).
- A person who warns his audience against “charlatans” who charge large sums of money although he typically grosses US $1,400 in admission fees only and charges US $72 (per person) for individual psychic readings and US $58 (per person) for weekend meditation sessions (Ref).
- A person who adamantly refuses to submit himself to scientific observation or testing for confirmation of his alleged psychic abilities.
Since Basava Premanand blindly believes any and all material opposing Sathya Sai Baba, he apparently failed to conduct a remedial background search on Conny Larsson, a self-professed Psychic Medium. Needless to say, Basava Premanand believed in, endorsed, published and widely solicited Conny Larsson’s Anti-Sai-Baba book. Taking it a step further, Basava Premanand published material pertaining to Psychic Conny Larsson in his Indian Skeptic magazine and even sent copies of Conny Larsson’s book to various high-ranking Indian officials and his rationalist subscribers. Too funny! A skeptic and atheist vouching for the integrity, honesty and credibility of a self-professed psychic trance medium! It doesn’t get much nuttier than this, folks.
Of course, Basava Premanand’s nutty behavior is not surprising. Premanand is a malicious libeler who cares less for the truth and cares more for his agendas of smearing, slurring and defaming.
Basava Premanand Believes Psychics Are Con-Men, Liars And Frauds
Basava Premanand firmly believes (or so he says) that so-called healers, trance channelers, psychics, psychic healers, spirit mediums, mantra acharyas, crystal healers, etc. (all of which Conny Larsson claims to be), are con-men, liars and frauds deceiving others for fame and fortune (Ref). Therefore, Basava Premanand made the case for me that Conny Larsson is a con-man, liar and fraud deceiving others for fame and fortune. Thank you Mr. Basava Premanand.
As a matter of fact, Basava Premanand will offer Rs. 100,000/-Rs to any person who can demonstrate any type of psychic, supernatural or paranormal ability under his direct observation (Ref). Did Basava Premanand confirm Conny Larsson’s psychic powers? If not (he never claimed he did in his Indian Skeptic tabloid), then why did Basava Premanand deem Conny Larsson so credible, so honest and so convincing that he published a book for him? Does it have to do with the fact that Conny Larsson is a self-professed multi-millionaire (Ref)?
Needless to say, Basava Premanand’s association with Conny Larsson reflects badly on his so-called “rationalism”, “skepticism” and “atheism”. It appears that Basava Premanand is a pseudo-rationalist, pseudo-skeptic and pseudo-atheist who is willing to compromise his pseudo-scientific beliefs by publishing a book by a psychic trance medium who claims that the immortal rishi Vyasa speaks through him. If Premanand believes psychics are con-men, liars and frauds, then what makes Conny Larsson’s claims against Sathya Sai Baba any more credible than his claims of being a psychic trance channeler?
Basava Premanand is an Anti-Sai loon and clown who attempts to portray himself as a “rational” voice against superstition. Needless to say, even Ex-Devotees refuse to say one word about Conny Larsson’s psychic and cult-like claims. The truth is now out and there is no stopping it.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
(Klicka Här För Svenska)
Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
On Conny Larsson’s official website at, it is now claimed he is a psychic “transchannel” for the immortal sage, rishi & chiranjeevin Vyasa:
Information About Vyasa Dev
Maharshi Vyasa (who is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) is considered an immortal sage who wrote the sacred texts to the Vedas, the Brahma Sutras, the Mahabharata, the Eighteen Puranas, the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. For Conny Larsson to claim that he is channeling the spirit of Vyasa, he is presenting himself as a self-proclaimed prophet, guru and cult-leader whose words carry the authority of God and are to be considered on par with divinely inspired scriptures that are revered by hundreds of millions of Hindus around the globe! Vyasa Deva is also considered to be one of eight chiranjeevins (i.e., immortals) who is still in existence according to general Hindu belief. The eight chiranjeevins are:
See Wikipedia Article For Vyasa
Conny Larsson - ‘Lunatic Fringe’ In The Anti-Sai Movement
About the Ramayana, Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy wrote:
Did you get that Mr. Conny Larsson?
The reason why this is so amusing is because Conny Larsson is now claiming he is a psychic medium and trance channeler for the spirit of Vyasa, an immortal guru who shares his chiranjeevin status with Hanuman and Vibhishana (from the Ramayana). Therefore, Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy have bashed and trashed one of their own, Conny Larsson, as being one of those “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasants” who believes in “impossible concocted stories of the ‘Superman’ kind”! Even worse, Conny Larsson not only believes in these “concocted” stories, he claims that the spirit of Vyasa is speaking through him in psychic trances! If the stories in the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Srimad Bagavatam are “concocted”, what does that make Conny Larsson? It makes him a con-man, a fraud and a spiritual imposter. Thank you Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy!
I just love it when Anti-Sai Activists attempt to malign Sathya Sai Baba and Sai Devotees and end up maligning themselves in the process. Needless to say, not even one Ex-Devotee has said even one word about Conny Larsson’s self-promotion as a guru, yoga instructor, chakras / kundalini instructor, meditation teacher, mantra acharya, psychic healer, trance channeler, medium, Vedic authority, true-believer and disciple of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Amusingly, Robert Priddy has inadvertently dumped Conny Larsson into the same lunatic fringe category that he dumped Sai Devotees, his astrologer son (Kai Nicolai Priddy) and himself into.
If Conny Larsson is a “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasant” who believes in “impossible concocted stories of the ‘Superman’ kind” and part of the “lunatic fringe” seen in religious movements, then why should anyone give credence to his allegations against Sathya Sai Baba?
Yes, this is the type of person that Ex-Devotees typically cite against Sathya Sai Baba. Next, Ex-Devotees will probably have Conny Larsson channel the spirit of Vyasa so they can obtain a “credible” and “convincing testimony” from him and use it on their Anti-Sai websites as “irrefutable proof” that even the immortal Vyasa had something negative to say about Sathya Sai Baba.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
On Conny Larsson’s official website at, it is now claimed he is a psychic “transchannel” for the immortal sage, rishi & chiranjeevin Vyasa:
Relevant Text Extract:
“Conny Larsson, Sweden/Cyprus - Founder of Vedic Mantra Meditation school in Europe. - Author and psychotherapist. Transchannel for ‘Vyaasa, the first Rishi’ During the Master Class Conny guided participants in the knowledge of the Vedic Mantra systems with regard to the 7 chakras of the nervous system. As Vyaasa he channeled 4000 year old knowledge for the group as a whole and at times for us as individuals. He also took us through processes to expand our levels of consciousness.”
Relevant Text Extract:
“Meeting for the Masters’ Class in Cypress was truly inspiring and an excellent example of how to spend a meaningful holiday. We were a group of teachers from several different countries, each bringing to the class an area of acquired knowledge and experience...Conny spoke about the seven different states of consciousness and also did some trance channeling of Vyaasa, ‘the first Rishi, or Seer’. That, for sure was an extra bonus at the seminar...I really look forward to the next event of this kind that Conny organises! Judith Bourque, Holistic Therapist and Independent Filmmaker”
Information About Vyasa Dev
Maharshi Vyasa (who is believed to be an incarnation of Lord Vishnu) is considered an immortal sage who wrote the sacred texts to the Vedas, the Brahma Sutras, the Mahabharata, the Eighteen Puranas, the Bhagavad Gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam. For Conny Larsson to claim that he is channeling the spirit of Vyasa, he is presenting himself as a self-proclaimed prophet, guru and cult-leader whose words carry the authority of God and are to be considered on par with divinely inspired scriptures that are revered by hundreds of millions of Hindus around the globe! Vyasa Deva is also considered to be one of eight chiranjeevins (i.e., immortals) who is still in existence according to general Hindu belief. The eight chiranjeevins are:
- Ashwathama (a man cursed to immortality and eternal suffering without love from anybody for his role in the murder of the five sons of the Pandavas and his attempted murder of Arjuna’s grandson)
- Hanuman (the monkey god servitor to Lord Rama)
- Kripacharya (a teacher of the princes in the Mahabharata)
- Mahabali (a righteous demon king who conquered heaven, earth, and the underworld, but was forced to give it back by Vamana)
- Markandeya (a great rishi)
- Parashurama (the ax-wielding avatar of Vishnu)
- Vibhishana (Ravana’s brother who was made King of Lanka by Rama)
- Vyasa (a sage who narrated the Mahabharata, he was also a sage in the epic)
See Wikipedia Article For Vyasa
Conny Larsson - ‘Lunatic Fringe’ In The Anti-Sai Movement
About the Ramayana, Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy wrote:
“Nor can any intelligent person make good or relevant sense of it in the modern world – it is just a fantastic, impossible concocted story of the ‘Superman’ kind – with ‘monkey-man’ Hanuman lifting and flying aloft with a whole mountain (so Rama could pick out a herb from it!) or jumping across the sea to Sri Lanka. Come on, how can one be so backward intellectually? This may be o.k. for ignorant peasants, but the thinking world must regard it as sheer delusion!”
Did you get that Mr. Conny Larsson?
“…it is just a fantastic, impossible concocted story of the ‘Superman’ kind…”
“Come on, how can one be so backward intellectually?”
“This may be o.k. for ignorant peasants, but the thinking world must regard it as sheer delusion!”
The reason why this is so amusing is because Conny Larsson is now claiming he is a psychic medium and trance channeler for the spirit of Vyasa, an immortal guru who shares his chiranjeevin status with Hanuman and Vibhishana (from the Ramayana). Therefore, Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy have bashed and trashed one of their own, Conny Larsson, as being one of those “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasants” who believes in “impossible concocted stories of the ‘Superman’ kind”! Even worse, Conny Larsson not only believes in these “concocted” stories, he claims that the spirit of Vyasa is speaking through him in psychic trances! If the stories in the Ramayana, Mahabharata and Srimad Bagavatam are “concocted”, what does that make Conny Larsson? It makes him a con-man, a fraud and a spiritual imposter. Thank you Barry Pittard and Robert Priddy!
I just love it when Anti-Sai Activists attempt to malign Sathya Sai Baba and Sai Devotees and end up maligning themselves in the process. Needless to say, not even one Ex-Devotee has said even one word about Conny Larsson’s self-promotion as a guru, yoga instructor, chakras / kundalini instructor, meditation teacher, mantra acharya, psychic healer, trance channeler, medium, Vedic authority, true-believer and disciple of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Amusingly, Robert Priddy has inadvertently dumped Conny Larsson into the same lunatic fringe category that he dumped Sai Devotees, his astrologer son (Kai Nicolai Priddy) and himself into.
If Conny Larsson is a “backward intellectually” “ignorant peasant” who believes in “impossible concocted stories of the ‘Superman’ kind” and part of the “lunatic fringe” seen in religious movements, then why should anyone give credence to his allegations against Sathya Sai Baba?
Yes, this is the type of person that Ex-Devotees typically cite against Sathya Sai Baba. Next, Ex-Devotees will probably have Conny Larsson channel the spirit of Vyasa so they can obtain a “credible” and “convincing testimony” from him and use it on their Anti-Sai websites as “irrefutable proof” that even the immortal Vyasa had something negative to say about Sathya Sai Baba.
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Conny Larsson - Cult Leader?
(Klicka Här För Svenska)
Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
Conny Larsson solicits his profile on (an entire website mostly dedicated to him, his "Master Classes" and his Anti-Sai articles). Funny enough, most of Conny's "qualifications" came from Gurus he once worshipped, eventually turned against and accused of sexual impropriety:
The following comment is located on the website:
The comment above is wholly contradictory. I guess the alleged "open-minded discussions" are not so open-minded afterall. Anyone with "secterist views" is not allowed to participate in Conny Larsson's "open minded discussions" and they are censored and prohibited from expressing their beliefs and experiences (sounds very cultish if you ask me).
The following is a solicitation for an International Yoga Vacation (2007) with Conny Larsson (on the Yoga Harmonia website, which is very much devoted to him) where he plays the role of a Meditation Instructor, Vedic Mantra Initiator and Psychic Healer:
Click on thumbnails to enlarge:


Conny Larsson even grants private sittings (essentially "private interviews") and believes in (and advocates for) the power of Vedic Mantras

Tie Dye Robe And Meditation Master Getting Serious

Sri Sri Conny Larsson And His Holier-Than-Thou Guru Pose
Conny Larsson studied under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and later turned on them and accused them both of sexual improprities. So what does Conny Larsson do? He sets himself up as a Meditation Teacher (i.e., "Guru"), a Vedic Mantra Initiator (he gives mantras to his 10,000 "students" and instructs them how to use them), became a Psychic Healer (in which he touches women in visually inappropriate ways), became a Trance Channeler, lectures on Yoga & spirituality, conducts seminars and teaches "Master Classes". Conny even built his own meditation retreat in Alsancak (6km outside Gime or Kyrenia) in Northern Cyprus. Conny Larsson has succumbed to the very same Guru-affliction he likes to trash and bash with others. Furthermore, Conny Larsson preaches "open-mindedness" but pubicly and bluntly censors those holding sectarian views.
What's next in this Anti-Sai three-ring circus?
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
Conny Larsson solicits his profile on (an entire website mostly dedicated to him, his "Master Classes" and his Anti-Sai articles). Funny enough, most of Conny's "qualifications" came from Gurus he once worshipped, eventually turned against and accused of sexual impropriety:
- 1965-1968 Conny Larsson is an educated actor at the Governmental Actingschool (Statens Scenskola) in Malmo-Sweden.
- 1968-1975 He worked periodically as an comedian actor at Malmo Stadstheater.
- 1969- Educated to teacher in meditation in Rishikesh-Himalya-India.
- 1970- Educated to teacher in SCI (Science of Creative Intelligence in Livigno-Italy).
- 1973- Private secretary to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founder of the TM organisation.
- 1980- Founded and runned Karnan Home-Institute as a director and cheif therapist for drug addicts and severe criminals.
- 1998- Founded in Sweden, Polen and Germany - the Vedic Mantra Meditation school.
- 1998- 2006 Holding International courses and educating teachers in Vedic Mantra Meditation.
- 2005- Published the book 'Bakom Clownens Maska'(Behind the Mask of the Clown).
- 2006- Settling down in Cyprus for the Advanced Courses and for founding The Inter- national Master Class to be held forward.
The following comment is located on the website:
"Our aim is to create an atmosphere for open-minded discussions and freedom to chose whatever suites you best from the activities provided. Secterist views are not welcome."
The comment above is wholly contradictory. I guess the alleged "open-minded discussions" are not so open-minded afterall. Anyone with "secterist views" is not allowed to participate in Conny Larsson's "open minded discussions" and they are censored and prohibited from expressing their beliefs and experiences (sounds very cultish if you ask me).
The following is a solicitation for an International Yoga Vacation (2007) with Conny Larsson (on the Yoga Harmonia website, which is very much devoted to him) where he plays the role of a Meditation Instructor, Vedic Mantra Initiator and Psychic Healer:
International yoga vacation with Conny Larsson in the Sea Palace in Gaski near Sarbinowo. The Sea Palace is located ca 900 meters from the sea in a beautiful historical park of 6.5 ha, in a picturesque village of Gaski between Koeobrzeg and Koszalin.The location of the Sea Palace ensures a pleasant and tranquil retreat in a quiet setting. In the vicinity of the Palace there are numerous sports facilities such as volleyball and basketball courts, tennis court and children's playground. A guarded car park is also available. For an additional small charge the Palace offers hydromassage, magnotherapy, inhalation and various types of massage.Vacation period I: 29 June – 07 July – 8 days.Vacation period II: 07 July – 14 July – 8 days.Cost:
· 130 PLN (US $46) per night for a single room, full cost for 8 days 1040 PLN (US $368)
· 110 PLN (US $39) per night for a double room, full cost for 8 days 880 PLN (US $311), additional person who will not participate in classes 780 PLN (US $276)
· 100 PLN (US $35) per night, three- and four- bedrooms, full cost 800 PLN (US $283), additional person who will not participate in classes 700 PLN (US $248)
The number of single and double rooms is limited, and they are allocated on a first in first served basis. There is a bathroom and toilet in each room as well as TV and SAT equipment.Notifications of participation and advance payment of 200 PLN (US $70) should be made by 31 May 2007, either directly in the Harmonia Yoga Centre or by transfer to the following account:
Marianna Rykowska – Grzywna PKO BP S.A. Poznan
Nr 04 1020 4027 0000 1202 0204 9773
The advance payment will not be re-funded upon cancellations.A modernly equipped kitchen ensures tasty and wholesome home made meals, choice of normal and vegetarian meals. Light breakfast and two larger meals a day are planned. We start with dinner on the arrival day at 6 p.m.
Morning and afernoon hatha yoga classes will start and finish with meditation sesions with Conny Larsson. In the spare time you can rest in the park, visit local historical sites, sun bathe on the beach, and in the evening - listen to lectures, discuss and sing mantras with Conny Larsson.Organised by:
Anna Rykowska – Grzywna, Centrum Jogi HARMONIA ul. Towarowa 45 w Poznaniu
Phone. 66 58 159 lub 61/853 71 12 or mobile 600 220 961
You can find more about the Sea Palace at
Click on thumbnails to enlarge:


Conny Larsson even grants private sittings (essentially "private interviews") and believes in (and advocates for) the power of Vedic Mantras

Tie Dye Robe And Meditation Master Getting Serious

Sri Sri Conny Larsson And His Holier-Than-Thou Guru Pose
Conny Larsson studied under Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and later turned on them and accused them both of sexual improprities. So what does Conny Larsson do? He sets himself up as a Meditation Teacher (i.e., "Guru"), a Vedic Mantra Initiator (he gives mantras to his 10,000 "students" and instructs them how to use them), became a Psychic Healer (in which he touches women in visually inappropriate ways), became a Trance Channeler, lectures on Yoga & spirituality, conducts seminars and teaches "Master Classes". Conny even built his own meditation retreat in Alsancak (6km outside Gime or Kyrenia) in Northern Cyprus. Conny Larsson has succumbed to the very same Guru-affliction he likes to trash and bash with others. Furthermore, Conny Larsson preaches "open-mindedness" but pubicly and bluntly censors those holding sectarian views.
What's next in this Anti-Sai three-ring circus?
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Connie Larson,
Connie Larsson,
Conny Larsen,
Conny Larsson,
Cult Leader
Conny Larsson - Psychic Healer
Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
Anti-Sai Activist turns Psychic Healer and Psychic Medium! God alone knows who Conny Larsson is trying to con with his alleged "psychic healings".
In the pictures below, Conny Larsson is the man in blue. This is the guy who is trying to make a sober, rational and logical argument against Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and who often rants condescendingly about frauds, cheats, deceivers, etc.
Not only did Conny Larsson appear to give a woman an intimate (and borderline inappropriate) psychic healing, he apparently gives tantric psychic-healings, initiates others with mantras, sings bhajans, conducts expensive meditation seminars and holds the status of a "Great Meditation Teacher" among his 10,000 cult-like followers in Poland and Cyprus (Reference).

Conny Larsson Conducting A Funny, Full-Body Psychic Healing On A Woman. Would you allow your wife, daughter, husband or son (Conny has openly claimed he is bi-sexual) to be held like this by a psychic healer?

Conny Larsson Conducting A Psychic Healing On A Woman In A Chair

Conny Larsson Conducting A Funny Psychic Healing By Holding A Womans Feet (notice the modified tantric position and alignment of sexual organs?)

A Swedish article talking about Conny Larsson's "private" healing sessions where he uses crystal pendulums to diagnose ills and detect blockages in the aura.

A Swedish article talking about Conny Larsson being a "trance-medium" and that he uses a crystal pendulum to determine which chakra is blocked. If your chakras are blocked, Conny will unblock a price. In this instance, 600 Swedish Krona or US $87.
In my opinion, these pictures prove that Conny Larsson is suffering from some sort of Guru-complex and thinks he has the authority to instruct and initiate others with mantras, bhajans, meditation techniques and psychic healings! Another high-profile Anti-Sai Activist exposed. It is ironic that Conny Larsson referred to himself as a "clown" in the past. Conny's first book was called "God's Little Clown". His second book was called "Behind The Clown's Mask". After looking at the pictures above, I think the clown epithet is entirely appropriate.
The blunt truth of the matter is that Conny Larsson is a physically unattractive person and it appears he is attempting to get the attention (sexual and otherwise) he craves through selling himself as a Guru, Teacher, Psychic Healer, Mantra Bestower, Vedic Master, etc. I wonder how many Anti-Sai Activists are following Conny Larsson into Gurudom? I already know that Barry Pittard gave women "kundalini healings" (which, more than likely, resulted in his out-of-wedlock son being born to a 21 year-old when he was 58 and old enough to be her grandfather).
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Anti-Sai Activist turns Psychic Healer and Psychic Medium! God alone knows who Conny Larsson is trying to con with his alleged "psychic healings".
In the pictures below, Conny Larsson is the man in blue. This is the guy who is trying to make a sober, rational and logical argument against Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and who often rants condescendingly about frauds, cheats, deceivers, etc.
Not only did Conny Larsson appear to give a woman an intimate (and borderline inappropriate) psychic healing, he apparently gives tantric psychic-healings, initiates others with mantras, sings bhajans, conducts expensive meditation seminars and holds the status of a "Great Meditation Teacher" among his 10,000 cult-like followers in Poland and Cyprus (Reference).
Update: In an attempt to do damage control, the following pictures were removed from the website at Conny Larsson's request (click on thumbnails to enlarge):

Conny Larsson Conducting A Funny, Full-Body Psychic Healing On A Woman. Would you allow your wife, daughter, husband or son (Conny has openly claimed he is bi-sexual) to be held like this by a psychic healer?

Conny Larsson Conducting A Psychic Healing On A Woman In A Chair

Conny Larsson Conducting A Funny Psychic Healing By Holding A Womans Feet (notice the modified tantric position and alignment of sexual organs?)

A Swedish article talking about Conny Larsson's "private" healing sessions where he uses crystal pendulums to diagnose ills and detect blockages in the aura.

A Swedish article talking about Conny Larsson being a "trance-medium" and that he uses a crystal pendulum to determine which chakra is blocked. If your chakras are blocked, Conny will unblock a price. In this instance, 600 Swedish Krona or US $87.
In my opinion, these pictures prove that Conny Larsson is suffering from some sort of Guru-complex and thinks he has the authority to instruct and initiate others with mantras, bhajans, meditation techniques and psychic healings! Another high-profile Anti-Sai Activist exposed. It is ironic that Conny Larsson referred to himself as a "clown" in the past. Conny's first book was called "God's Little Clown". His second book was called "Behind The Clown's Mask". After looking at the pictures above, I think the clown epithet is entirely appropriate.
The blunt truth of the matter is that Conny Larsson is a physically unattractive person and it appears he is attempting to get the attention (sexual and otherwise) he craves through selling himself as a Guru, Teacher, Psychic Healer, Mantra Bestower, Vedic Master, etc. I wonder how many Anti-Sai Activists are following Conny Larsson into Gurudom? I already know that Barry Pittard gave women "kundalini healings" (which, more than likely, resulted in his out-of-wedlock son being born to a 21 year-old when he was 58 and old enough to be her grandfather).
- Indian Skeptic & Atheist Promotes Psychic Trance Medium
- Anti-Cult Expert Endoses Self-Proclaimed Prophet
- FECRIS Endorses Psychic Psychotherapist
- Psychologist Asa Samsioe Endorses Psychic Channeler
- Conny Larsson INTERNATIONALLY Renown Psychic
- Is Conny Larsson Becoming A Cult Leader?
- Conny Larsson - Trance Channel For Vyasa
- Conny Larsson's Funny Psychic Healings In Oct. 2006
- Conny Larsson's 10,000 Students
Conny Larsson Dyes His Hair
Conny Larsson Dyes His Hair
Conny Larsson has attempted to malign Sri Sathya Sai Baba by making numerous unsupported and unsubstantiated allegations against him. One of the allegations that Conny Larsson made against his former guru is that Sathya Sai Baba dyes his hair (because the guru does not have any grey hairs even at the age of 83). Although Conny Larsson cannot back up this claim with any verifiable and factual information, there is verifiable proof that Conny Larsson dyes his hair. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words (click on thumbail to enlarge):

As one can see, the middle picture of Conny Larsson shows his orangish-dyed hair (with grey roots showing). The three pictures above were taken within one year of each other.
Why does Conny Larsson criticize others for dying / coloring their hair when he does it himself?
Conny Larsson has attempted to malign Sri Sathya Sai Baba by making numerous unsupported and unsubstantiated allegations against him. One of the allegations that Conny Larsson made against his former guru is that Sathya Sai Baba dyes his hair (because the guru does not have any grey hairs even at the age of 83). Although Conny Larsson cannot back up this claim with any verifiable and factual information, there is verifiable proof that Conny Larsson dyes his hair. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words (click on thumbail to enlarge):

As one can see, the middle picture of Conny Larsson shows his orangish-dyed hair (with grey roots showing). The three pictures above were taken within one year of each other.
Why does Conny Larsson criticize others for dying / coloring their hair when he does it himself?
Conny Larsson And Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
(Klicka Här För Svenska)
Conny Larsson’s Changing Stories About Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
When Did Conny Larsson Become Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Private Secretary? 1971 or 1973?
When Did Conny Larsson Leave Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? 1975 or 1976?
Why Did Conny Larsson Leave Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
Because of charging large sums of money for a certain TM course:
Because of organisational reasons:
Because Maharishi allegedly wanted the Nobel Prize for himself, allegedly lied about levitation and a deceptive photo shoot:
Because of Maharishi’s alleged sexual acts with women:
Did Dr. Hislop Write Maharishi In 1973?
Conny Larsson claimed:
Conny’s account is directly contradicted by John Hislop himself in his book “My Baba and I” (in which Hislop said he left Maharishi in 1968, five years prior to Conny’s account).
Conny Larsson Was Maharishi’s Secretary For How Long?
According to Mark Landau, Conny Larsson only served a few weeks as Maharishi’s personal secretary. Landau claimed:
As with Sathya Sai Baba, Conny Larsson’s stories about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have changed, progressing from fairly innocuous claims to highly defamatory ones. Why?
Conny Larsson’s Changing Stories About Maharishi Mahesh Yogi:
When Did Conny Larsson Become Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Private Secretary? 1971 or 1973?
“In 1971, I became the guru’s private secretary and travelled with him everywhere – day and night.”
“1973- Private secretary to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founder of the TM organisation.”
“I was [T.M. founder] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s secretary during the year 1973.”
When Did Conny Larsson Leave Maharishi Mahesh Yogi? 1975 or 1976?
“This was too much for me and I told my master ‘I cannot follow you any longer’. So I left in 1975.”
“I was in despair due to the fact thatI had left my Master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1976…”
Why Did Conny Larsson Leave Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
Because of charging large sums of money for a certain TM course:
“I was a fairly wealthy person [Mr. Larson was a well-known actor in Sweden in his youth], and joined Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement when I was nineteen years of age. I was his secretary, his masseur, and his night boy, i.e. I guarded him at night. In 1975 we had a difference of opinion due to certain circumstances and when he started charging very large sums of money for a certain Transcendental Meditation course. I decided that this could not be right and I told him so, an asked him to change it or stop it. I gave him four days to think about it, after which I approached him again. He inferred that I was wrong, and he was right. I had not agreed of his practices, and I therefore felt, that I had to leave him.”
Because of organisational reasons:
“When I came to you in 1978 I was in despair due to the fact thatI had left my Master Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1976, mostly due to organisational reasons. During my time with him I became his personal secretary and loved the duty to serve a holy man with the best of intentions. Under his supervision I educated myself in Rishikesh 1969 to become a teacher of meditation in the age old Shankaracharya-tradition. His own guru was the Shankaracharya of JyotirMath.”
Because Maharishi allegedly wanted the Nobel Prize for himself, allegedly lied about levitation and a deceptive photo shoot:
“I began to wake up when he declared that Mother Teresa was the worst kind of human being on earth. She later won the Nobel Prize. His main problem with her was that he wanted the Nobel Prize for himself. I was told to manipulate those responsible for choosing the people to be nominated. We tried to do this and succeeded, as he had much influence at that time, to get him nominated but this was blocked by King Olaf of Norway. He then started saying that all his teachers, I was one of them, were soon going to levitate. We were going to fly and we would visit all kinds of planets about which the psychiatrists and other spiritual teachers were always telling us. I realised that this could not be true as I taught these courses. They called it the TM-Sidhi Programme. At these “flying” courses people would be sitting cross-legs on their backsides on their mattresses and they jumped whilst sitting like this. After a while one could become very skilful and could jump up as high as a metre or so only to fall back again. I heard Maharishi tell a French photographer with a slow camera just to cut the “fall back” part and put the photos together when they were “up” which gave a flying image. So he put them together and this was broadcast all over the world. This was too much for me and I told my master “I cannot follow you any longer”. So I left in 1975.”
Because of Maharishi’s alleged sexual acts with women:
“He then used to call one girl every now and then and I always thought he was dictating a letter or something in the middle of the night. The girls that came last in the night never looked happy when she came out from the 30 minutes audience but never thought of it to be a pleasure or sexual meeting. Knowing what I now know I feel just embarrassed that my Master didn’t stand up for his sexual lust or love to women. That would have been perfectly OK with me anyhow. But to hide and lie and create an M-group that I and many other boy belonged to was just a soap opera I now think.Regarding MMY’s guilt, he is all aware of it, for one day after a great f**k on the roof of his villa under the moonlight and in the protection of the mosquito-net he called for Tatwalababa, the naked yogi, for his protection and for his cleansing of the ashram, this was what he explained to the lady he f**ked with. They loved each other for years. Look at the group-picture from one of your photos which MMY did in Rishikesh when you where there, you are in the picture and so are MMY and the women he loved and f**”
Did Dr. Hislop Write Maharishi In 1973?
Conny Larsson claimed:
“I was [T.M. founder] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s secretary during the year 1973. I did not know about Dr. Hislop then. One day that year, a letter came to Maharishi from this Dr. Hislop saying that he could not stay in the TM-movement because now he had met God in the form of the Avatar of Sai, and Hislop thereupon left the Maharishi and the TM movement. Maharishi, who had invested much in Dr. Hislop, appointing him as his first teacher in the western world and even having him become secretary for a while, felt bad. He asked me to write Hislop a letter telling him about the beautiful things that were going on within the TM movement and that Dr. Hislop had his natural place in this. He also asked Hislop not to follow this new master because he was Not the avatar at all. Hislop was told he was now following a dark path.”
Conny’s account is directly contradicted by John Hislop himself in his book “My Baba and I” (in which Hislop said he left Maharishi in 1968, five years prior to Conny’s account).
Conny Larsson Was Maharishi’s Secretary For How Long?
“1973- Private secretary to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi founder of the TM organisation.”
“I was [T.M. founder] Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s secretary during the year 1973.”
Cyprus Today: Used And Abused By Their Gods
Claire Morely: “He served two years as the guru's personal secretary.”
According to Mark Landau, Conny Larsson only served a few weeks as Maharishi’s personal secretary. Landau claimed:
“In my memory, Conny’s time on the job was limited to a few weeks — i was surprised at how short he lasted, though, in retrospect, i would mark that up to his integrity, sensitivity and what he saw from the get go.”
As with Sathya Sai Baba, Conny Larsson’s stories about Maharishi Mahesh Yogi have changed, progressing from fairly innocuous claims to highly defamatory ones. Why?
Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
(Klicka Här För Svenska)
Conny Larsson And Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
I recently discovered several pictures of Conny Larsson posing in front of pictures of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (the Guru of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) taken in 2005. It is shocking that Conny Larsson is promoting himself in association with Brahmananda Saraswati when he has taken a caustic and defamatory position against Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Needless to say, this information has been purposely suppressed by Conny Larsson.




Original Picture Links: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04
The big questions are:
It is very perplexing that Conny Larsson publicly associates himself with Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. After trashing and bashing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conny Larsson immediately sets himself up as a Wannabee Guru, leads “Master Classes”, initiates students with Vedic Mantras, teaches Meditation Classes, gives lectures and seminars on Spirituality and plays the role of a Psychic Healer. Conny Larsson is also deeply involved with the mission of the Joga Harmonia website (notice all the pictures and comments dedicated to him). Strange enough, the Joga Harmonia founder and teachers are all deeply devoted to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Conny Larsson’s continued association with Indian Gurus (even after his defection from Sai Baba) only serves to highlight the fact that he is deeply conflicted, duplicitous and equivocal (something I have been pointing out for years).
Conny Larsson And Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati
I recently discovered several pictures of Conny Larsson posing in front of pictures of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (the Guru of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi) taken in 2005. It is shocking that Conny Larsson is promoting himself in association with Brahmananda Saraswati when he has taken a caustic and defamatory position against Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Needless to say, this information has been purposely suppressed by Conny Larsson.




Original Picture Links: 01 - 02 - 03 - 04
The big questions are:
- Why has Anti-Guru Larsson been posing in front of pictures of Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati for years when he is Anti-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
- Is Anti-Guru Larsson now devoted to Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati?
- Was Anti-Guru Larsson devoted to Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati while he was a Sai Devotee?
- Why is Anti-Guru Larsson promoting his image along with Indian Gurus and Hindu Philosophy?
It is very perplexing that Conny Larsson publicly associates himself with Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. After trashing and bashing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Conny Larsson immediately sets himself up as a Wannabee Guru, leads “Master Classes”, initiates students with Vedic Mantras, teaches Meditation Classes, gives lectures and seminars on Spirituality and plays the role of a Psychic Healer. Conny Larsson is also deeply involved with the mission of the Joga Harmonia website (notice all the pictures and comments dedicated to him). Strange enough, the Joga Harmonia founder and teachers are all deeply devoted to Swami Brahmananda Saraswati. Conny Larsson’s continued association with Indian Gurus (even after his defection from Sai Baba) only serves to highlight the fact that he is deeply conflicted, duplicitous and equivocal (something I have been pointing out for years).
Conny Larsson - God's Little Clown
God’s Little Clown: Four Very Different Versions
Why did Conny lie? On this page Conny Larsson said:
However, Conny told a very different story in an article entitled, God’s Little Clown. In this article, Conny related how he had sustained a “badly crushed” knee after being trampled by a horse. While in the hospital (with his leg in a cast) Conny’s friends asked him to take a group to India to see Sai Baba. Conny’s doctor said that such a trip was “out of the question” and that Conny “would not be able to walk for at least six months”. Nevertheless, due to his friend’s insistence, Conny went “hobbling with crutches” to India, against his doctors orders.
Sai Baba called Conny’s group for an interview and Conny Larsson said:
Conny experienced a “surge of energy” and the ability to dance on a badly crushed knee that his doctor said he would be able to walk on for at least six months! And this was not a miracle! In the first version, Conny said that SSB told him to let go of his crutches and walk on the “ front of everyone” and was later called for an interview. In his second version, SSB called him for an interview first and told him to “get up” without his crutches (in the interview room, not the compound) and that Conny raised his crutches, over his head, on his way out of the interview room. In the first version, Conny claimed that SSB did not cure him, but faked a cure and allowed others to create their own stories of the “miracle”. In the second version, Conny said that the felt a “surge of energy” shooting through his leg and was able to dance on a “badly crushed knee” that his doctor said he would not be able to walk on for at least six months! Why did Conny change his story?
Conny also related this story to Americans at the XIII Annual South Central Regional Conference in Houston Texas, on September 4th – 7th 1998 (which was recorded on audio tapes). In the third version to this story, Conny said that his knee was broken into 6 pieces and the doctors said that he would not be able to walk for at least 3 months (not 6 months, as claimed earlier).
Like the first version, Sai Baba called Conny Larsson out onto the compound and asked him to let go of his crutch and walk. After having the cruch knocked out of his hand, Conny stood there on one leg and Baba told him to “Go”. The third time Sai Baba told him this, Conny said:
Despite the miraculous nature of his cure, Conny is now claiming that it was not a miracle and there was nothing miraculous about it! Connie Larsson told this story (many times) to various groups of devotees all around the world.
Update: August 28th 2006: Just recently, Conny replied to some questions on his own website and contradicted himself yet again. This time around, Conny claimed:
All four of these points are contradicted by Conny’s testimonies given in September 1998 (10 months prior to his defection from Sai Baba) at the XIII Annual South Central Regional Conference in Houston Texas, in which Conny told his “crushed knee story” and specifically stated, out of his own mouth, the following:
My Comment About Point 1: Now, Conny is trying to say that he was operated a few months prior, and not 5 weeks like he formerly claimed. The doctors told Conny that he would have to be hospitalized for 3 months.
My Comment About Point 2: Therefore, Conny was using two crutches at that time and dropped one in the commotion. He said he was suffering from immense pain and was even swearing at Baba in his head because the pain was so intense! After Baba healed Conny, he claimed he was totally and completely free from pain. Now, however, Conny is attempting to tell others that his knee was in such a good state that he was only using one crutch.
My Comment About Point 3: Therefore, the doctors did not give their permission as Conny is now claiming.
4) My Comment About Point 4: Perhaps Ann-Marie Eherenkrona slanted “God’s Little Clown” with her favorable bias. However, Conny never dissented with Ann-Marie’s story and even repeated it with more fervor and devotion than was related in the book. Ann-Marie could not slant Conny’s actual words and testimony that were given at the Sai Retreat in Houston Texas where Conny made all these claims out of his own mouth (Reference).
Conny can’t keep any of his stories straight (which is why he is wholly unbelievable). So we are faced with two possibilities: Conny lied when he was a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba or he is lying now. Either scenario does not bode well for Conny Larsson (formerly “God’s Little Clown” and presently a very non-cognus mentus Anti-Sai Clown).
Why did Conny lie? On this page Conny Larsson said:
“Do you remember in Puttaparthi 1980 when I had broken my knee and I came with crutches to you on Darshan meeting on the 25th of December? When you called me on to the compound and asked me to let go of my crutches and walk, which I did in front of everyone. Do you remember how you called me in for an interview after the enormous response you got from the people that thought they had seen a miracle. Do you remember how you asked me not to talk to anyone about it, giving them the opportunity to create their own story which they did. From then on you called me the ‘Crutch boy’ and called for me as soon as you wanted to impress on a Doctor or a Minister etc. Again you used me to make people to believe that you were divine.”
However, Conny told a very different story in an article entitled, God’s Little Clown. In this article, Conny related how he had sustained a “badly crushed” knee after being trampled by a horse. While in the hospital (with his leg in a cast) Conny’s friends asked him to take a group to India to see Sai Baba. Conny’s doctor said that such a trip was “out of the question” and that Conny “would not be able to walk for at least six months”. Nevertheless, due to his friend’s insistence, Conny went “hobbling with crutches” to India, against his doctors orders.
Sai Baba called Conny’s group for an interview and Conny Larsson said:
“In the interview Swami said to me, ‘Get up without the crutches.’ I protested, ‘No!’ He said, ‘Get up’, and repeated this a third time. Somehow I got up and as I did so I felt a surge of energy shooting through my leg from the foot right through my body to my head. I was able to walk normally and unaware, started dancing around like a fool shouting, ‘I can walk, I can walk!’ When we walked out of the interview room, I held my crutches high over my head for all to see.”
Conny experienced a “surge of energy” and the ability to dance on a badly crushed knee that his doctor said he would be able to walk on for at least six months! And this was not a miracle! In the first version, Conny said that SSB told him to let go of his crutches and walk on the “ front of everyone” and was later called for an interview. In his second version, SSB called him for an interview first and told him to “get up” without his crutches (in the interview room, not the compound) and that Conny raised his crutches, over his head, on his way out of the interview room. In the first version, Conny claimed that SSB did not cure him, but faked a cure and allowed others to create their own stories of the “miracle”. In the second version, Conny said that the felt a “surge of energy” shooting through his leg and was able to dance on a “badly crushed knee” that his doctor said he would not be able to walk on for at least six months! Why did Conny change his story?
Conny also related this story to Americans at the XIII Annual South Central Regional Conference in Houston Texas, on September 4th – 7th 1998 (which was recorded on audio tapes). In the third version to this story, Conny said that his knee was broken into 6 pieces and the doctors said that he would not be able to walk for at least 3 months (not 6 months, as claimed earlier).
Like the first version, Sai Baba called Conny Larsson out onto the compound and asked him to let go of his crutch and walk. After having the cruch knocked out of his hand, Conny stood there on one leg and Baba told him to “Go”. The third time Sai Baba told him this, Conny said:
“And I don’t know what happened, there was some explosion from my feet, coming from Earth, going all the way up and blow my mind. No conscious whatsoever. And from that moment, I don’t know anything about what happened...From that moment when this bubbles came, or electricity, or whatever it came. It went out through my head and blow my consciousness. I don’t know anything. But I have heard it and have heard people say that have seen the video, I jumped, I screamed, like the cartoons, you know? Like that. I jumped around shouting and screaming and run up to the ladies there. And somehow, I ended up in the interview room. I didn’t know what. Baba was doing the darshan. I somehow made my way up to the interview room. With the two legs. Without pain or anything...Of course, I didn’t go back to the crutches at all.”
Despite the miraculous nature of his cure, Conny is now claiming that it was not a miracle and there was nothing miraculous about it! Connie Larsson told this story (many times) to various groups of devotees all around the world.
Update: August 28th 2006: Just recently, Conny replied to some questions on his own website and contradicted himself yet again. This time around, Conny claimed:
- That he was operated a couple of months earlier to the time he went to Puttaparthi.
- By the time he went to Puttaparthi he was using only one crutch.
- He had been given permission from his doctors to go to Puttaparthi.
- Ann-Marie Eherenkrona (the lady who wrote Conny’s story in a book called “God’s Little Clown”) slanted Conny’s story with a favorable bias.
All four of these points are contradicted by Conny’s testimonies given in September 1998 (10 months prior to his defection from Sai Baba) at the XIII Annual South Central Regional Conference in Houston Texas, in which Conny told his “crushed knee story” and specifically stated, out of his own mouth, the following:
1) “So now, I had crushed my knee. One of my divine horses kicked me so bad, my knee was broken in six pieces. I had two legs in one. Just hanging apart. I went through the severe operation and I was scheduled to go to Baba and they told me though ‘No. You have to stay 3 months hospitalized.’ I had an iron needle stick, thick like this, all through my heel and I was hanging with the legs like this and I was lying there newly operated. And I thought, ‘I can’t do it. I just can’t come there.’ And I was so sad. And then, after 3-4 weeks, or something like that. Maybe 5 weeks. People started to come and say, ‘We can’t go. If you don’t go, we don’t go.’ And I was usually the one who brought people down there (Reference).”
My Comment About Point 1: Now, Conny is trying to say that he was operated a few months prior, and not 5 weeks like he formerly claimed. The doctors told Conny that he would have to be hospitalized for 3 months.
2) “And at that time, I had to go on the crutches. And when I go on the crutches, I had to do like this. With the both of the legs because as soon as I did anything it was so hurting...And I had so much pain. So I thought, “Oh you man! You don’t pass me!” And I was thinking, I was using the word, that pain can do you use...So then people somehow opened up and on the way, I dropped one of the crutches. I had only one crutch and I had such a difficulty to come through. And then he took me out there, on one of the crutches, and I had to use one crutch and one leg and letting the other leg hang in the air (Reference).”
My Comment About Point 2: Therefore, Conny was using two crutches at that time and dropped one in the commotion. He said he was suffering from immense pain and was even swearing at Baba in his head because the pain was so intense! After Baba healed Conny, he claimed he was totally and completely free from pain. Now, however, Conny is attempting to tell others that his knee was in such a good state that he was only using one crutch.
3) “And then they approached the professor of the clinic and said that, ‘This is the situation. He is leading us. We can take him in a wheelchair, or whatever.’ And they said, ‘No. The doctor says no. No way. He’s going to be in the bed for at least 8 or 10 weeks.’ And then, they kept on arguing with the doctors and finally one of the doctors, there were many at the team, said, ‘On your own risk. Don’t involve us in this. It’s your own risk.’ (Reference)
My Comment About Point 3: Therefore, the doctors did not give their permission as Conny is now claiming.
4) My Comment About Point 4: Perhaps Ann-Marie Eherenkrona slanted “God’s Little Clown” with her favorable bias. However, Conny never dissented with Ann-Marie’s story and even repeated it with more fervor and devotion than was related in the book. Ann-Marie could not slant Conny’s actual words and testimony that were given at the Sai Retreat in Houston Texas where Conny made all these claims out of his own mouth (Reference).
Conny can’t keep any of his stories straight (which is why he is wholly unbelievable). So we are faced with two possibilities: Conny lied when he was a devotee of Sathya Sai Baba or he is lying now. Either scenario does not bode well for Conny Larsson (formerly “God’s Little Clown” and presently a very non-cognus mentus Anti-Sai Clown).
Conny Larsson's Alleged Childhood Abuse
Conny Larsson’s Contradictory Claims About His Childhood Abuse
Conny Larsson related various conflicting accounts about being sexually abused as a child (memories he “recovered” 39 years later in his adulthood).
Click Here to read where Conny Larsson said:
Click Here to read where Conny Larsson said:
Click Here to read where Conny Larsson said:
Conny Larsson went through seven years of psychoanalysis and “recovered” childhood, sexual abuse memories in 1999 (39 years after the abuse allegedly happened) after going through a “deprogramming” session with a well known psychiatrist. At the same time, Conny Larsson also realized that Sathya Sai Baba was a cheat and a fraud.
Much has been written on false and recovered memories, and although I am not saying that this is what happened to Conny Larsson, I am simply pointing out that “recovering” memories much later in one’s life may not be what it seems to be. The psychiatric data on recovered memories, and how therapists can make a patient create fake memories, is indeed voluminous Ref.
Conny Larsson’s exaggerations were well known by people who met him. 13 years after Sai Baba allegedly stopped “sexually abusing” Conny, he decided to find out why he let all of this happen. In the course of “many, many hours”, a psychiatrist who was a well known deprogammer, diagnosed Conny as being “psycho infantile”, helped him recover 39 year old “suppressed” sexual abuse memories and helped him realize that Sathya Sai Baba was a fraud and a cheat! Conny understood “psycho infantile” to mean:
However, that is not what “psychoinfantile” means. “Psychoinfantile” is a personality disorder that is characterized by self-dramatization, craving attention, theatricality and manipulative behavior that is used to achieve one’s own needs. Something that can be easily confirmed with any psychiatric book on personality disorders. This type of behavior (coincidentally) fits very well with Conny Larsson’s known tendency of self-dramatization, craving atteniton and theatricality. Connie Larsson has a very different understanding of what he was diagnosed with. Psychoinfantile people are seen with a much higher rate of schizophrenia. Not a very wise thing to do, broadcasting one’s psychiatric condition over the internet.
On this page, Conny said that the sexual abuse he couldn’t remember as a child (whose memories he had not yet recovered) made him into a “bisexual”. Conny Larsson’s suppressed memories did not prevent him from engaging in homosexual sex with men prior to meeting Sathya Sai Baba. I am not trying to deride Conny Larsson’s sexual orientation. Rather, I am attempting to show that his “suppressed memories” did not prevent him from having sex with men. Conny claimed he had sex with Sai Baba under duress because he “always did what he was told in order to save his life”! Conny Larsson never claimed that Sathya Sai Baba forced him to have sex but implied it was consentual.
Conny allegedly allowed Sai Baba to give him oral sex but refused to give oral sex because he was allegedly sexually molested as a child. How can this be when Conny Larsson had not yet recovered his memories of being abused? Obviously, Conny’s sexual abuse prevented him from giving oral sex, but didn’t prevent him from receiving it or having sex with other men! Conny said, on this page, that during the time he was abused by Sai Baba, he had not yet “recalled” his childhood abuse. Conny Larsson said:
However this would contradict his earlier assertion that he refused to give Sai Baba oral sex because of his childhood trauma. He hadn’t recovered his memories yet.
In May 2005, Conny Larsson said, “I had a crisis with God from 1998 until 2001 when I was damned angry with him.” However, on this page, Conny Larsson gave several talks at a Sai Regional Conference in September 1998 where he would break down crying and sobbing uncontrollably in deep devotion to Sathya Sai Baba. If Conny Larsson had a “crisis” in 1998, it was not evident in those talks he gave in 1998.
Conny Larsson related various conflicting accounts about being sexually abused as a child (memories he “recovered” 39 years later in his adulthood).
Click Here to read where Conny Larsson said:
“When I was 4 years old up to 8 years I was abused orally by my fathers alchoholic friend. This occured during the nights when my father had fallen asleep, ususally friday evening/night. This caused me to loose my ability to speak. I was mute all up to age of 12 when I started to get professional help” (Conny claimed he was abused for four years and was mute up to the age of 12.)
Click Here to read where Conny Larsson said:
“I grew up in an abusive family and had such a tough childhood that I couldn’t even speak clearly before I was ten years old.” (Conny claimed he could not speak clearly before the age of 10. Earlier, Conny said he was completely mute up to the age of 12.)
Click Here to read where Conny Larsson said:
“ I was four years old when my father’s drinking friend began to rape me, and that went on for six years” (Conny claimed he was abused for six years. Earlier, he said he was abused for four years.)
Conny Larsson went through seven years of psychoanalysis and “recovered” childhood, sexual abuse memories in 1999 (39 years after the abuse allegedly happened) after going through a “deprogramming” session with a well known psychiatrist. At the same time, Conny Larsson also realized that Sathya Sai Baba was a cheat and a fraud.
Much has been written on false and recovered memories, and although I am not saying that this is what happened to Conny Larsson, I am simply pointing out that “recovering” memories much later in one’s life may not be what it seems to be. The psychiatric data on recovered memories, and how therapists can make a patient create fake memories, is indeed voluminous Ref.
Conny Larsson’s exaggerations were well known by people who met him. 13 years after Sai Baba allegedly stopped “sexually abusing” Conny, he decided to find out why he let all of this happen. In the course of “many, many hours”, a psychiatrist who was a well known deprogammer, diagnosed Conny as being “psycho infantile”, helped him recover 39 year old “suppressed” sexual abuse memories and helped him realize that Sathya Sai Baba was a fraud and a cheat! Conny understood “psycho infantile” to mean:
“I was just as a little child absolute innocent that had to put up with whatever growned-ups did with me, including GOD’s decision to act upon me in whatever way.”
However, that is not what “psychoinfantile” means. “Psychoinfantile” is a personality disorder that is characterized by self-dramatization, craving attention, theatricality and manipulative behavior that is used to achieve one’s own needs. Something that can be easily confirmed with any psychiatric book on personality disorders. This type of behavior (coincidentally) fits very well with Conny Larsson’s known tendency of self-dramatization, craving atteniton and theatricality. Connie Larsson has a very different understanding of what he was diagnosed with. Psychoinfantile people are seen with a much higher rate of schizophrenia. Not a very wise thing to do, broadcasting one’s psychiatric condition over the internet.
On this page, Conny said that the sexual abuse he couldn’t remember as a child (whose memories he had not yet recovered) made him into a “bisexual”. Conny Larsson’s suppressed memories did not prevent him from engaging in homosexual sex with men prior to meeting Sathya Sai Baba. I am not trying to deride Conny Larsson’s sexual orientation. Rather, I am attempting to show that his “suppressed memories” did not prevent him from having sex with men. Conny claimed he had sex with Sai Baba under duress because he “always did what he was told in order to save his life”! Conny Larsson never claimed that Sathya Sai Baba forced him to have sex but implied it was consentual.
Conny allegedly allowed Sai Baba to give him oral sex but refused to give oral sex because he was allegedly sexually molested as a child. How can this be when Conny Larsson had not yet recovered his memories of being abused? Obviously, Conny’s sexual abuse prevented him from giving oral sex, but didn’t prevent him from receiving it or having sex with other men! Conny said, on this page, that during the time he was abused by Sai Baba, he had not yet “recalled” his childhood abuse. Conny Larsson said:
“Still my inner voice did not wake up and I kept on hiding my own childhood trauma from my awareness…Could you not have made me aware of my subconscious in a different way?...I was betrayed in my childhood by adults, I lost my voice and ability to speak, but I could pray to God for help. It took years, different ways were tried, even yours but finally truth succeeded and I was brought back to my own inner voice again and thereby my own relation to God-within.”
However this would contradict his earlier assertion that he refused to give Sai Baba oral sex because of his childhood trauma. He hadn’t recovered his memories yet.
In May 2005, Conny Larsson said, “I had a crisis with God from 1998 until 2001 when I was damned angry with him.” However, on this page, Conny Larsson gave several talks at a Sai Regional Conference in September 1998 where he would break down crying and sobbing uncontrollably in deep devotion to Sathya Sai Baba. If Conny Larsson had a “crisis” in 1998, it was not evident in those talks he gave in 1998.
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